Brilliant issue
That front cover looks like it took some effort to make, lovely effect. I wish my moustache grew like Kvarforth's, mines a bit
Fu Manchu if you know what I mean. Its nice to hear that Evile are getting back on their feet so rapidly, so may they contrinue long into the future. I like what you wrote about Varg in regards to the imminent release of Belus - "Aaw, isn't he a little trier"
I have to commend your one letter writer, Dave Lonzi, for not giving in to the base urge to slag of Michael Moynihan due to left/right wing perspectives. If your lurking Mr. Lonzi I think we have a position for you here among the League Of Unspeakable Gentlemen
Also I was chuffed to find my views on street teams quoted in the forum bit. When can I expect royalties Calum?
The noughties feature gave me much to think about. I'm glad Besty's reservations about Nicky from Shining proved mostly unfounded, I suppose its a delicate balance between earning a living by such extreme and unconventional means and batting off the dramatic histrionics of bored journalism. Maybe the
horror vacui that proponents of media find themselves in due to their apparent inability to report on worthwhile issues leads them to distort black metal into our eras equivelant of a social illness, all which is of course a blatant falsehood.
I loved what Mirai Kawashima said about unoriginality and brinkmanship in music and agree totally with him
Being yourself is so much easier surely? That zine article was interesting. Whilst I don't entirely agree with Mikko Aspa's views on playlists and digital shuffling of music I can't agree more with his disdain regarding musical aesthetics/design. That Judas Kiss layout is an outrage
I haven't had much chance to read the artist profiles/articles yet, sans the Powerlines section. All the artists you covered piqued my interest in one way or another. Slogan sounds like a fucking badass, about as far away from my poncey art noise as its possible to get
I can confirm that Content Nullity is every bit as dark and horrifying as his feature suggested, and then some. Definately for fans of Con-Dom, Navicon Torture Technologies, Karjalan Sissit and the like... I also enjoyed reading the Skullflower, Rotting Christ, Ov Hell, Fuil Na Seanchoille, Phragments, ironfistofthesun, The Endless Blockade, Agrimonia and Hunters Moon features.
So to summarize all the bits I couldn't add above. I want that Sektor 304 album, that picture of pointy eared steam punk Finntroll made me chuckle, Baba Yaga has released ANOTHER demo and that Anton Reisenegger interview made me very cross with corrupt South American governments. Honestly, I almost played some RATM I was that mad.
Cheers ZT