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<  Music  ~  Is it wrong for a BM musician to enjoy themselves on stage?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Highly TolerantHighly TolerantJoined: Wed May 05, 2010 2:32 pmPosts: 10
The Furious Horde recently supported Vreid at the Camden Underworld.
Today i saw a review in a metal magazine (inferior to ZT!) which stated that musically we had a good atmosphere, but we seemed to be knocked for the fact that we were too happy and had too much fun onstage...

Now, we're not complaining about the review, but we want to open a discussion:
Is it better to be grim and evil at all times, or can a band have some fun and enjoy their own performance?

We seem to get a lot of reviews who like us musically, but state that we smile to much.
(For those who are not familiar with us, The Furious Horde are a kind of symphonic blackened metal, often compared to Dimmu Borgir or later Immortal, to give you an idea) and just look at Abbath or Galder! Grins all round!


So - Do you think its wrong for a band to smile? Your thoughts please :)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:50 pm Reply with quote
Highly TolerantHighly TolerantJoined: Wed May 05, 2010 2:32 pmPosts: 10
I know this differs from band to band, for example, 1349 look and sound fekkin grim, and it works. the show has such dark atmosphere. Its perfect.
The you have Anaal Nathrakh. Extremely aggressive dark music. All members look thoroughly tortured during songs, but inbetween them, they have a laugh and joke.
On the other hand, Immortal jump around and laugh quite a lot during songs and inbetween them, yet, still hold a very dark atmosphere. Real showmen.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarHighly IntolerantHighly IntolerantJoined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:36 pmPosts: 4470Location: Fighting crime
Is it fuck wrong, you carry on grinning!
Stupid posers and their more metal than thou attitude!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:36 pm Reply with quote
SpammerSpammerJoined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 8:41 pmPosts: 4140Location: The Internet
Well I once went to a Theaters Des Vampires show (I think the ymust be black metal because they were wearing makeup), I had a bottle of whiskey before I arrived and I think I knocked back a few glasses of... something.... and ended up locking myself in the pub toilet alternating between projectile vomiting and firing out diarrhoea with the consistency of fizzy gravy. When I got out the toilet the band was gone and I saw a man in a top hat and pinched his bum. I think I tried to steal his cane as well.

Also Dani from Cradle of Filth is short, kind of fat and has a girls name.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarHighly TolerantHighly TolerantJoined: Fri May 14, 2010 9:41 pmPosts: 45Location: Bethesda, Maryland USA
Let's face it; we're all human, and unless you're a complete psychopath or a manic depressive, you're capable of the whole gamut of human emotion, including happiness, no matter how grim you are the rest of the time. The way I figure it, is if you don't like what you're doing, why the fuck are you doing it in the first place? Nergal from Behemoth is a great example; he smiles a lot on stage both during and in between songs. He's even talked about this subject in an interview before; he simply enjoys performing his own music. Many performers describe being onstage in front of a crowd as a natural high, which can be a really good feeling. I do most people express good feelings?

"You see when one wants to become famous one must wallow gracefully in rivers of blood fed by cannon fodder. The end justifies the means."
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